Chat or Messages
Instant Chat
Usually used for live short talks with smiles, stickers, video
Possible only with users online
You pay for time, not for quantity
(1 credit for 1 minute chatting)
You can use both text & video
(1 credit for 1 minute extra)
Perfect for longtime mailing, sharing stories & photos etc.
You can send it when lady is offline
You pay for quantity, not for time
(10 credits for 1 sent message)
Attach your files (photos. pictures...)
to message for free


Dear users! For any questions, suggestions, complaints or proposals you can always contact our support service by sending message to [email protected].


Our team is always happy to help and answer any of your questions. We are working without holidays and weekends, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We normally respond within 24 hours after receiving your letter.

If you have noticed a mistake on the website, the rude behavior of users, or you have any questions or suggestions for the website, or require additional information about refilling your account, cooperation, accrual of bonuses, please contact our support service. Remember, we are always happy to help our users to find the answer to their questions.  

Please note that we offer safe, secure and confidential online support services to our customers.  


Sincerely yours,


Our legal details: .

Tel.: +420775931202